Princeton, NJ

Opportunities for Financial Institutions and SMES in Mexico under the Secured Transactions Framework

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group, and the Ministry of Economy -through the Direction of Commercial Normativity (Dirección General de Normatividad Mercantil), joined forces to conduct a series of seminars about the development of secured transactions framework and the opportunities offered by the Movable Property Collateral Registry (RUG).

In the first seminar (“Opportunities for Financial Institutions and SMEs in Mexico under the Secured Transactions Framework”), celebrated on June 29, 2016 in Mexico City, the topics were:

  • Financing SMEs in Mexico
  • Developments in the Regulatory and Prudential Framework
  • Financial Products: Opportunities for the Financial Sector
  • Credit guaranteed with movable property

Betty Hernandez, EVP and CCO of North Mill Capital LLC, was one of the speakers presenting at the seminar. As a member of the Commercial Finance Association’s Executive Committee, Ms. Hernandez is active in supporting the CFA’s mission of providing education and industry advocacy on a domestic and international basis to the commercial finance community. She has also traveled to Bogota and Columbia promoting and teaching lenders, politicians, and others the art of asset-based lending.