Jun 7, 2018 | Business Financing
For small businesses, late-paying customers can be the difference between continued growth and financial hardship. If handling late payments has become a problem for your small business, you are not alone. Creditsafe reports the average DBT (days beyond terms) payment...Read more
Jun 5, 2018 | Business Financing
Many small business owners conduct reviews at the beginning or end of the calendar year. However, checking your progress at the halfway point can help you spot and resolve issues with systems, processes, or products, jump on potential opportunities, and ensure that...Read more
May 24, 2018 | Business Financing
As a small business owner, you know that finding ways to save money should be a top priority. Financial issues are often the result of a small but steady build-up of unchecked expenses. Pinching pennies when and wherever possible is a smart strategy for managing your...Read more
May 22, 2018 | Business Financing
As the customer experience continues to become a key differentiator for businesses and organizations across all industries, providing top-notch customer service has never been more critical. According to research compiled by Salesforce, 75% of consumers expect a...Read more
May 17, 2018 | Business Financing
Small businesses need working capital to grow. When it comes to financing, the good news is there are a variety of lenders to help meet the needs of small business owners at every stage of their companies’ development. However, Summit Financial Resources believes it...Read more
May 15, 2018 | Business Financing
Small business owners often bypass blogging when designing their marketing strategies, opting instead for less time-intensive online platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. However, business blogging is on the rise as companies of all sizes recognize the power of this...Read more