Oct 31, 2017 | Business Financing
It’s true that bad news travels fast, especially when it comes to customer reviews. While it used to take time for word of mouth to spread, the Internet and social media have made it easy for people to share their opinions and experiences with friends, colleagues, and...Read more
Oct 26, 2017 | Business Financing
Every small business needs equipment to operate, whether it’s machinery, computers, software, office furniture, or vehicles. If you have been thinking about purchasing or upgrading your equipment, it may be to your advantage to do so before the end of the year. A Big...Read more
Oct 24, 2017 | Business Financing
Sponsorships are a great way for small businesses to boost their profile without spending a fortune. From charity golf tournaments and industry roundtables to supporting your local sports team, there are countless cost-effective opportunities to help you gain...Read more
Oct 19, 2017 | Business Financing
Small businesses often start out lean and mean, with the founder handling the lion’s share of the work. If your company is growing, you will need to hire new employees to meet the needs of your customers as well as to provide the expertise to be competitive....Read more
Oct 12, 2017 | Business Financing
Being a boss does not come naturally to every business owner. You may have started out as a solopreneur and never expected your company to grow beyond a handful of employees. Or you may have come up through the ranks of an existing operation and now you’re the one in...Read more
Oct 10, 2017 | Business Financing
If you own a small business, chances are you’ve considered including social media in your marketing mix. In fact, research shows that 82 percent of small business owners are using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other sites to help get the word out. Social...Read more