Jun 1, 2017 | Business Financing
One of the most important decisions a small business owner can make is choosing their company’s legal structure. Entrepreneurs often launch their companies as sole proprietorships with no legal separation between them and their businesses. They may avoid incorporating...Read more
May 30, 2017 | Business Financing
It’s National Hole in the Bucket Day. This got us thinking about the ways small businesses can leak profits. If you imagine your business is a bucket and the water inside is your profit, you probably spend plenty of time and energy on increasing sales in order to fill...Read more
May 23, 2017 | Business Financing
One of the major challenges of growing a business is managing and servicing the needs of an expanding workforce. When small businesses are just getting off of the ground, it is typical for the owner to oversee the basic human resources functions, such as posting job...Read more
May 18, 2017 | Business Financing
There are countless blogs and websites that offer a wealth of useful information, advice, and inspiration for small business owners. If you’re reading this, you already know that Summit Financial Resources’ Small Business Blog is dedicated to helping you maintain the...Read more
May 16, 2017 | Business Financing
It is essential for any business to continually evolve, and as a small business owner, you probably spend a good deal of time thinking and worrying about future growth. Expanding inventory, enlarging your headquarters, hiring staff, launching a more aggressive...Read more
May 11, 2017 | Business Financing
Women entrepreneurs often face unique challenges when it comes to running their businesses. Key among them is finding financing to help their companies thrive. Studies have found that women do not have sufficient access to loans and venture investment compared to...Read more