Princeton, NJ 

While continuing his role as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at North Mill Capital, Dan Tortoriello will now be taking on the role of Executive Vice President at Gemino Healthcare Finance. “I look forward to the opportunity to work with a veteran staff at Gemino who has been working together in the healthcare industry for over 15 years”, said Dan Tortoriello. “We will now look into expanding our new business endeavors to include asset based lending facilities from $1 million to $20 million on a national basis at Gemino whIle continuing to grow North Mill Capital.”

“Dan has done an extraordinary job overseeing the sales and marketing efforts at North Mill since its inception. Adding another Solar finance company to his responsibilities is a great opportunity for Gemino and Dan.”

Jeff GoldrichCEO & President of North Mill Capital “We are excited to have Dan join our team. He has an outstanding reputation in the asset based lending industry. His role and experience in helping grow North Mill Capital with be a tremendous asset to Gemino.”

Tom Schneider, CEO & President of Gemino Healthcare Finance North Mill Capital LLC provides asset based loans and factoring facilities from $50,000 to $30 million.Gemino Healthcare Finance provides revolving lines of credit, <a “href=”” target=”_blank”>senior term loans and <a “href=”” target=”_blank”>real estate loans from $1 to $20 million.  North Mill Capital and Gemino Healthcare Finance are portfolio companies of <a “href=”” target=”_blank”>Solar Senior Capital Ltd. [NASDAQ: SUNS

PDF >Dan Tortoriello