Mar 9, 2020 | Asset Based Financing, Asset Based Lending, Business Financing, Case Studies, Fundings, Working Capital
NORWALK, CT $5,000,000 Asset-Based Revolving Line of Credit 203 Trading LLC is a distributor of refurbished computers and electronics headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut. The funds will be used to repay the previous lender and provide additional working capital to...Read more
Jun 29, 2015 | Case Studies, North Mill Capital
As published in Printing Impressions magazine PHILADELPHIA— June 29, 2015 —Bartash Printing, a leading provider of commercial offset printing solutions, announced today that it has completed a successful refinancing with North Mill Capital. This new financing consists...Read more
Apr 7, 2015 | Asset Based Financing, Case Studies, North Mill Capital, Working Capital Financing
By Ben Schmidt As published by Ravinia Capital LLC Achieving Success in Distress – 4-7-15 – Ravinia Capital Achieving Success in Distress Through the review of three recent transactions, Ravinia Capital details its unique strategy that has led to its...Read more
Sep 4, 2012 | Case Studies, North Mill Capital
What does a passionate, gregarious first-generation Italian do to feed his family and the citizens of Minneapolis and St. Paul? Start a bakery of course! Armed with a winning smile and his family’s enthusiasm for good food, Tony Sisinni, the founder and CEO of Sisinni...Read more